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Grazia fitg Dumeng!


Our Honorary Life Member, silent and tireless helper of our club, as well as longtime loyal friend DUMENG «PÜPP» STUPPAN has unexpectedly passed away on Monday, November 16th.

Püpp, thank you for the wonderful memories we shared together and for everything you achieved for the SMBC and your beloved bobsleigh sport over the many years. We keep you in honorable memory and offer our sincere condolences to your relatives. 

«Mer gsehnd üs Püpp, wenn au leider nüme i dere Welt.»
«We see each other, Püpp, though unfortunately no longer in this world.»

Dumeng Stuppan, May 28, 1949 – November 16, 2020

In silent mourning
The SMBC family

Impressions from the life of Dumeng Stuppan, compiled by Filippo Giani, ibexmedia, on behalf of the Olympic Bobrun St. Moritz-Celerina.